Eligible containers
Which drink containers are included?
As part of the scheme, you can receive a refund for most aluminium, glass, plastic, steel and liquid paperboard beverage containers between 150ml and 3L.
All eligible drink containers need to display a refund marking that will make it easy to see which containers can be returned for a refund.
The below pictures show some of the types of drink containers which are included in the scheme.
Eligible drink containers
Which drink containers are excluded?
A number of drink containers are not eligible for a refund under the scheme. These include:
- plain milk containers
- large containers (1L or more) which have contained flavoured milk, pure juice, cask wine or cask water
- cordial or vegetable juice containers
- registered health tonics.
All containers that are smaller than 150mL and bigger than 3L will not be eligible for a refund.
The below pictures show some of the types of drink containers which are excluded from the scheme.